Tuesday, June 28, 2011

June in the Garden

Broad Beans

 My Winter broad beans are coming along steadily. The branches from my garden prunings are coming in handy as stakes. I haven't done any watering since the first time at sowing. I am attempting to not water at all throughout Winter as we do get good rainfall.   Not long after I took this photo the strawberry pot went topsy turvey  on its head.


Further along in the strawbale bed, on bitumen (asphalt), the garlic is also showing green and strong. I have lots of garlic around the garden amongst the apple trees, roses and pretty much wherever I felt like putting them.

Celery & Snow Peas

The last third has some left over celery and snow peas: again the pruned branches come in handy as supports.


Spinach is showing green in the smaller strawbale bed.

Shrubs into trees: prunings

The shrubs along the side fence grew into trees and now cut off the Winter sun for the back deck. #3 son has been pruning them for me. It will give me wood for woodwork, firewood, kindling for a rocket stove and fire and leaves for mulch in the garden and for pathways. 

 Coriander is growing beautifully in a small plastic grow box.  I must do more of this.


  1. Such a lot growing for Tassie in winter - I'm impressed. I often think I am very lucky gardening in Northern NSW, where winter is one of the better growing seasons.

  2. Enjoyed looking at your blog. There is a lot growing in your garden! I have never been successful growing nasturtiums...i don't think they like Texas.I just love their bright colors.
